Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tide Turns...Fish win 2-1

After a 1-run game Saturday night in which the Skeeters won, runs again were hard to come by for both teams. Kelvin Villa took the bump for Sugar Land while Dan Serafini got the call for Bridgeport.
Both pitchers battled it out into the 6th inning when the first run hit the scoreboard. The Bluefish took the lead when Kennard Jones, after reaching base on an error by the shortstop, came around to score on a Luis Lopez single...1-0 Bridgeport.

The Skeeters tied the game at 1-1 in the 7th inning when Steve Moss singled, driving in Dionys Cesar (double).

Those in attendance at Constellation Field got free baseball as the game stayed tied and went into the 10th inning. That is when Roberto Giron came into the game for the Skeeters and gave up the game-winning home run to Willis Otanez...Bluefish win 2-1.

Hitting Streaks:
Dionys Cesar (5)
Bubba Bell (2)

Game 4 is scheduled for Monday night at 7:05pm.

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